The Shimadzu iSpect DIA-10 particle size analyzer combines particle size and image analysis technology to offer complete particle characterization. It can perform particle imaging, size analysis, and foreign object detection, and obtain size distributions and number concentration, in as little as two minutes. This state-of-the-art platform is capable of measuring particulates from 5um to 100um in size and may be used for many different industry applications.
The system utilizes a micro cell and advanced optics to accurately and efficiently detect particles. Using normal lenses, the apparent size of particles can be affected by the depth of the particle relative to the lens. The iSpect DIA-10 uses a telecentric lens that maintains a constant image magnification. This means that no matter where the particle is located in the field of vision, the system will accurately determine the size of the particle. The auto focus function increases the imaging efficiency*1 which makes it possible to accurately detect foreign objects and obtain repeatable number concentration. *1: The ratio of the number of sample particle images acquired to the number of particles in the sample that has flowed through the system.
The micro cell increases image acquisition efficiency by passing particles through a narrow imaging area, which optimizes the number of particles observed. Compared with a conventional cell and lens, the micro cell clearly shows particle images and fewer particles pass outside of the lateral imaging area. This makes it possible to reliably detect particles and obtain highly repeatable number concentration (Coefficient of Variation (CV) ±5 %*2). *2: When measured using a Shimadzu standard sample. Depends on the sample.
The system can measure sample as small as 50 μL, enabling it to handle trace samples. Samples can be set directly onto the system using a general disposable pipette tip to transfer a sample from a container. This allows simple operation while preventing contamination.
Micro cells with small internal volumes and small dead volume (less than 50 μL) enable cleaning solution to be reduced.
The flow path has excellent resistance to organic solvents. Because of the small amount of organic solvent needed for measurement and cleaning, the system reduces waste and minimizes environmental impact.
The auto focus function eliminates the need for troublesome focusing and no flow of sample particles is required. By automating the focusing, data variation between operators is prevented, making measurement both easy and stable.
The compact design (the measurement unit is about 22 cm wide and the pump unit is about 10 cm wide) allows installation in a small space.
Measurement results are obtained in three steps. Pump operation and particle imaging are performed automatically according to the analytical conditions selected. In addition, particle images can be simultaneously monitored and measured in real time while the sample flows through the unit.
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